SPECIAL EVENT 2019...For next season we will organize every Sunday an Evening Ride up the Cancano Lake or Forte d'Oga ( also Gavia, or Stelvio dependng on the weather). Climbing a mountain pass under the stars is a truly unique cycling experience! The Evening Ride includes kit bag transport to the top for your warm clothes, photographs of your achievement, lights for your bike, van support and of course our guides to ride with you and spur you on.
What day is the MR Evening Ride and when do they commence?
Every SUNDAY. MR evening rides starting from June. We will ride up to Cancano Lake or Forte d'Oga ( sometimes also on Gavia or Stelvio depending on the organization and due to the wheater condition)
Where the meeting point and what is is the time of departure?
START TIME: Sunday 6:30pm
RIDE DESTINATION: Cancano Lake or Forte d'Orga ( also Gavia or Stelvio - depending on the organization and weather)
How do PARTNER guests join the MR evening rides?
PARTNER guests have a guaranteed place on our MR evening rides. Just book your place online or at your hotel reception by 2pm on the day of the ride to reserve your place
How to join the Evening ride if you are not a guest of one of our Partner Hotels?
If you are not a guest of one of our Hotel PARTNERS you can register only if you are logged on to our web site. ( Register / Log in ).
We will confirm your place after 2pm on the day of the ride depending on availability.
What is the ride program and costs involved?
START TIME: Thursday 6:30pm
DESTINATION: Cancano Lake, Forte d'Oga or Gavia.
PASTA PARTY: Join our fabulous PASTA PARTY at the summit.
DESCENDING KIT: is available free to all the participants of the Evening Ride. The kit includes lights and a reflective jacket cover for the descent.
PRICE: Euro 29 for STEX CYCLISTS and Euro 39 others.